About the farm
Poultry farm of Marius Steponavicius was founded on year 2000. At that time it was evident, that the large industrial farms in Lithuania usually were breeding between 2-3 layer breeds and as a result of that they were not able to provide small farmers and amateur breeders with wider assortment of poultry breeds. It was evident, that people were willing to acquire not only the industrial breeds, but backyard breeds as well, which are more suitable for homemade breeding environment. Such were the reason for Marius Steponavicius to begin breeding and selling chicken breeds, which are more adaptable to the non-industrial, domestic and ecological breeding environment and are pretty in their variety of appearance and colorfulness of feathers.

Mariaus Steponavičiaus poultry farm
For more than 20 years the farm of Marius Steponavicius is officially representing Czech company Dominant CZ. The company supplies the farm of Marius Steponavicius with its bird breeds and provides with precious breeding consultations. This company breeds its own wide range of colorful layers and distributes them in many countries around the world. Its breeds are very popular among the small bird breeders and farmers, because of their high production and strong resilience to harsh living conditions. In 2016 year Marius Steponavicius has started to co-operate with Hungarian company Babolna Tetra as well and expanded the assortment of poultry breeds.
Chicken fledglings normally are marketed during the spring or summer seasons. During that time many small sized bird breeders are willing to acquire not only chickens, but such birds as ducks, turkeys or gooses. Since there are not breeders of such birds left in Lithuania, Marius Steponavicius has order the fledglings of such birds at the foreign suppliers. For such reasons the farm of Marius Steponavicius has acquired vehicles with specialized modern ventilation and warming equipment and therefore is able to effectively deliver many species of birds.
We shall provide information on this website addressing the offers to acquire birds (chickens) in our farm as well as the dates, prices and their marketing locations.
The core goal of farm of Marius Steponavicius is to satisfy the needs of the bird breeders in the most effective and timely way.
Should it be necessary, when acquiring the large quantities of birds, we can offer you the delivery services with our specialized transport.